LEGISLATIVE FORUMS: Attend a legislative forum or listening post in your area. CLICK HERE to see the ones coming up in your area.
BILLS OF INTEREST The legislation we're tracking, including ISEA registrations download
LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: CLICK HERE to see ISEA's 2025 Legislative Priorities.
LEGISLATIVE UPDATES: ISEA government relations staff host bi-weekly legislative updates via Zoom on Thursday at 4:30 PM during session. Learn first-hand about relevant legislation moving at the Iowa Capitol and ask our lobbyist questions. Submit a question for our lobbyist and register today!
ISEA CAPITOL CORPS: The ISEA Capitol Corps is composed of volunteers who can join us in-person during the legislative session to visit the Iowa Capitol. Corps members work with ISEA staff to arrange visits to the Capitol to advocate for pro-public education policies. ISEA provides talking points on relevant legislation, informational one-pagers, and logistical support. Learn more by signing up today!